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Tuesday 19 June 2012

6 Untold Google Adsense Secrets You Must Know

Source: OgbongeBlog

Google Adsense is a wonderful invention by Google which allows us; bloggers/web site publishers to make some extra cash from our blogs or websites with some little effort.  This extra cash can turn into thousands of dollars over time, provided you work hard and abide by Google TOS ( Rules). Google Adsense is one of best solutions for any blog or web site owner who wants to earn a little extra cash. I am now making some cool money from Google Adsense monthy and you too can but there is a downside.

Here is a downside: People are so wowed by the earning potential especially when they see the screenshots of the fat-earnings of some bloggers but they fail to realise that those big-earners have worked so hard to earn such fat checks.  That being said, I would never tell you making money online is easy. Anyone that tells you that it is easy to make money online is lying to you….Nothing in life is completely free.

Making money from Google Adsense is not just about creating a blog and blasting ads on the pages of the blog. If you do not learn how to build a blog or website that generates targeted traffic, there will be no money from Adsense and might be frustrated to the extent that you will quit blogging asap.

You have to know that NONE of the successful people made a profit overnight. If I tell you how long it took me to receive my first check, I doubt if you will ever want to go into blogging for Adsense. Despite all I went through; today, am thankful to God because I now earn on monthly basis, what many bankers can not earn despite working so hard all day.

If you can’t generate at least 100 unique visitors per day to your blog, you probably not going to earn through Adsense revenue to make this process worth your time.  To get these visitors, you need traffic and loads of it.
If you already have a blog or website getting decent traffic, then Adsense will be an instant success for you. However, if you are just getting started, then YES, you do have a lot of work to do but the good news is that the more you work at building and marketing your site, the better the rewards.

You can make ton of money with Adsense, just remember the following points:

1. It is a MUST you learn how to manage/update the blog or website yourself

If you pay someone to build one for you, make sure you learn at least, how to update it with fresh contents.  In order to maintain your traffic levels and keep your Adsense revenue coming in, your blog should be updated frequently with fresh content. If you are the type hoping to be using AutoBlogging softwares or copying/pasting other people’s content on your blog, so you can make money fast, trust me, you will hardly make it.  Google is not a fool. Period!

2. Only choose topics that interests you.

Just because Blogger A is making good money on his blog by mere posting about “making money online” on his blog, does not mean you too will be making money on your blog if you start posting “how to make money online” to your blog.  This is the biggest mistake I see many newbie bloggers making, day in day out.  I would have never created if I didn’t enjoy teaching others how to blog amongst other thins I share on the blog.

I would never have been as motivated to maintain my blog if I had chosen something like FOREX. Even though it sounds like a profitable topic for Adsense ( FOREX related ads may earn you more per click), I would have been bored to tears developing content for something I know very little about. hence, you will be successful in Adsense if you are passionate about the subject matter of your blog. Plus, it will be much easier to come up with fresh, useful and informative content. Don’t worry about the earning potential of your blog’s subject matter because the money will come once your site generates enough traffic.

3. Understand this will not happen Overnight.

It could take months before you start seeing any real traffic and income from Adsense. You have to earn a good ranking by building a useful blog and getting other quality, related sites to link back to you.  Without all these, you might not make money from Adsense, even for years.

4. Marketing is everything when it comes to success with Adsense.

Below are some marketing tips:

   (a)  Do a Google search for forums in your niche, search Facebook for facebook Groups in your niche and go where your target audience hangs out. become a member of such forums and groups and get noticed in a positive way.

    (b) Find and build relationship with other bloggers or webmasters in your niche, so that in the long run, you can exchange links and articles. These days, networking is everything.

    (c) Check out my Traffic and SEO posts and also keep searching Google for articles related to them to discover how to optimize your site or blog for higher rankings in the search engines.

Remember, success takes time and Adsense revenue is not going to be instant.

If you want me to set up a good looking blog with Adsense Ads well placed just as seen on my blog, I can set it up for you.  I will only design and you are responsible for the contents. If interested, text “NEED A BLOG” to 07062918898 and I will reply you with more info about it. NOT FREE ooooo.. 

Already owns a blog but needs to master some more tricks, then, order for the “ADSENSE EBOOKS” that guided me to where I am today. if interested, just text “ADSENSE EBOOKS” to 07062918898.

Costs N1, 000.  Alternative contact info on the CONTACT ME page.

Want to connect with other bloggers who are making money from Adsense? Join the BloggersLab Group on Facebook for FREE.

If you have questions or contributions to make, feel free to use the comment form.

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